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   日期:2013-03-26     来源:工控之家网    作者:工控之家    浏览:127    评论:0    


  Pneumax成立于1976年, 是当今欧洲主要气动控制元件的生产商之一。每年市场上数以万计顺利运行的元件,由庞大、高效的销售网络提供的售前、售后服务, 及理解和满足各类客户需求的能力足以证明其丰富的产品线, 良好的声誉及高度的可靠性, 使Pneumax不但成为一家富含理念, 技术和创新的供货商, 更是您理想的合作伙伴. Pneumax现有七家分支机构遍布欧洲及远东, 三家在意大利, 另外还有数以百计的特约分销商确保我们产品在全球的供应及服务。

   通过不断提高内部活动质量, 从计划到产品销售, 从1993年二月开始, 公司获得SQS系统质量认证(瑞士认证体系), 符合ISO9001/EN9OO1认证。
Pneumax在2005年进行了认证更新, 有效期将持续到2008年。

  其他生产机构, Supermeccanica和Comep也从1993年起获得ISO9001认证, 其余所有分销商获得了IOS9002认证, 确保提供售前及售后高质量的服务。

Company floors space covers 25.000 square metres, over a total area of 75.000.
Our flexible production equipment and high precision machinery manufacture all components required by assembly lines, which in turn are able to construct and test different product groups from day to day.
External production companies, although still part of the Pneumax Group, are charged with specific duties including the machining of fittings and the production of solenoids and microsolenoids.
Market demand is formed into ideas, from there into projects, and finally into products utilizing our modern structures, innovation and creativity.

The present Pneumax is the result of past commitment.
The achievement of results, and realisation of targets are undoubt
indicators of a company's success.
This success can only be achieved with real co-operation
from all those involved, together with continual and complete
commitment from every individual.

We are all of this.

Ying Xin International Development Co.,LTD+86(0592)5327657转105 陈亦成


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