关键词: 遗传算法,优化,串级三冲量,给水控制系统
Abstract: Cascade three-element feedwater control system is adapted to regulate the drum water level. Genetic algorithm (GA) is introduced to tune the system in order to obtain the optimal parameters. SIMULINK simulation results show that the GA-optimized feedwater control system is able to reject endogenous and exogenous disturbances more effectively and rapidly, compared to the conventional tuning method.
Keywords: Genetic algorithm, Optimization, Cascade three-elements, Feedwater control system.
1 引言
然而, 串级三冲量给水控制系统的参数整定目前还比较原始落后,主要是先依靠一些半经验的公式进行计算得到很粗略的参数值,然后再到现场试验调整。因而这种原始的参数整定方法费时费力,而且没有考虑某个整体优化指标,其控制效果往往达不到最优。因此,迫切需要一种快速有效、省时省力,并且控制效果能够达到某种优化的给水控制系统参数整定方法。